Comfort Tips for Teething Babies

Teething Benicia, CA

Teething babies can lead to cranky parents. The long nights, tears, drooling and frustration only compound the tiredness that comes from being a new parent. The following tips for comforting teething babies will come in handy.

What to expect

Around six months of age, babies begin to teethe. The first to appear are the bottom teeth. While it makes for a precious toothy grin, those tiny baby teeth can be a real pain.

Teething is often accompanied by:

  • Low fever
  • Incessant chewing
  • Drool
  • Red gums

Tips for teething babies

It is difficult to hear one’s baby cry. Teething hurts, but there are tips to help relieve baby’s sore gums. Be sure to avoid teething tablets and medications that include benzocaine or lidocaine. These ingredients can be harmful. Instead, rely on these time-tested comforting teething tips:

  • Using a clean finger, simply rub the baby’s gums. Massage them gently. A damp washcloth is also effective. The added pressure can help ease the pain.
  • Cold helps. Allow baby to chew on a cold spoon or non-gel teething ring that has been chilled, not frozen. Cold applesauce or yogurt at mealtimes will also help ease the pain. The cold helps numb baby’s gums, relieving the discomfort.
  • Hard foods help. Cold fruit, like apple slices, or vegetables, like carrots, are great for teething relief. The combination of cold and hard keeps the baby gumming away.
  • Reassure baby with hugs and cuddles. Breastfeeding can also help because it is comforting to baby. Often, a child simply needs the comfort of the caregiver’s arms.
  • Try teething jewelry. Moms are wearing necklaces made from FDA-approved silicone that is non-toxic, dishwasher-safe and in easy reach of a held teething baby. While jewelry isn’t necessary, do have safe non-toxic toys nearby that baby can put in their mouth. Since they will be reaching for anything and everything to chew on, make sure that what is at hand is safe.
  • Ask the pediatrician for recommended teething medications.

When to call the doctor

If the baby shows signs or symptoms of illness unrelated to teething, such as a temperature over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or diarrhea, then call the pediatrician.

Oral care for babies

As the teeth begin to pop through, making sure they stay clean is important. Begin before the teeth ever arrive by wiping down the gums with a clean, damp washcloth. Infant toothbrushes are also available that will help cleanse away any bacteria that may be sitting in the mouth.

Before babies reach one year, it is recommended that they see a dentist. Once that first tooth pops out and by the first birthday, it is time to schedule an appointment. The dentist will be able to evaluate the child’s oral development and identify any potential problems. At the visit, the dentist will also help educate the parent on a home care routine, and the child becomes familiar with dental appointments, making future ones less difficult.

Request an appointment here: or call Southampton Dental Care at (707) 887-5075 for an appointment in our Benicia office.

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