Root Canal: FAQs

Root Canal Treatment Benicia, CA

A root canal is a common dental procedure that involves removing an infection from inside a tooth. It can also help to protect teeth from future infections. Millions of teeth are saved every year with this treatment. If you need a root canal, it is vital to see your dentist right away. Learning as much as possible about the procedure will also be beneficial. Keep reading to learn more about root canal therapy.

Root Canal: FAQs

Root canal therapy involves the removal of the soft center of the tooth, known as the pulp. The dental pulp contains blood vessels, connective tissue, as well as nerves. Once the pulp is removed, the inside of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and then sealed. Treatment involves many steps, and it takes one or multiple sessions to complete. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about root canal therapy.

Who needs it?

A root canal is often done when the dental pulp becomes damaged or infected. If the pulp ends up becoming diseased or injured, it cannot repair itself. The tissue will eventually die. When a tooth has a deep cavity or is damaged, bacteria can enter the dental pulp. The dental pulp will end up being destroyed by bacteria. If the bacteria penetrate through the root openings, it can cause several problems, including an infection in the bone.

Some people opt for extraction, particularly when they experience a lot of pain. But removing a tooth may lead to the development of other problems. For instance, the surrounding teeth may start to move and become crooked. Sometimes, a root canal can help to save a tooth and alleviate the pain. But if the tooth cannot be saved, the dentist will recommend an ideal tooth replacement option, like a dental implant.

How long does treatment last?

Most times, a tooth with a root canal filling lasts for many years. But the tooth can become fractured or decayed. The tissue around the tooth can also get gum disease. To avoid these problems, it is vital to brush twice a day and floss at least once a day. Visiting the dentist regularly will also help to prevent dental problems.

What does it cost?

The cost of treatment varies depending on several different factors. These include the severity of the problem and which tooth is affected. Saving a tooth with root canal therapy is relatively cheaper. Root canal therapy alternatives include removing the tooth and replacing it. The cost of a bridge or implant to replace the damaged tooth afterward is often more costly. Extraction can also lead to a variety of issues, including malocclusion or misaligned teeth.

Visit your dentist today

Root canal therapy is an effective treatment option for a damaged or infected tooth. It is virtually painless, and it is cost-effective. But after root canal therapy, you should take good care of your teeth and your mouth. If you have an infected or damaged tooth, talk to your general dentist to find out if root canal therapy can help to address your problem.

Request an appointment here: or call Southampton Dental Care at (707) 887-5075 for an appointment in our Benicia office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Root Canal Treatment in Benicia, CA.

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