5 Reasons for Sedation Dentistry

Are you nervous or afraid of going to the dentist? If so, it is not something to be ashamed of because millions of people share the same concern.

Fortunately, sedation dentistry can make the experience easier and help you conquer your fear of the dentist.

Reasons to consider sedation dentistry

1. Anxiety relief

Sedation dentistry significantly reduces your anxiety because your dentist will provide you with a sedative before your examination or procedure. This will relax you and make the process go as painless as possible. After your first experience, you will no longer be nervous about going to the dentist because you know you will be relaxed when you are in the dentist’s chair.

2. Dentists can do their job better

Being nervous about going to the dentist is not something that affects only you. It also affects your dentist because they will have to deal with you squirming around in the chair, which makes their job much harder. Having a calm and relaxed patient in the chair allows your dentist to perform their duties without having to worry about you jumping moving and delaying the procedure.

3. Pain relief

Taking sedatives before a dental procedure helps if you are worried about experiencing pain. The sedatives used are powerful and prevent your brain from registering pain. After the medicine wears off, you might experience some pain, but your dentist will often prescribe pain medication to help manage any sensitivity or soreness.

4. It is safe                                                                              

One of the biggest fears people have when considering sedation dentistry is safety. Many people worry that they might be given an unsafe dose of medication, which could lead to more significant problems.

Fortunately, the sedatives have been in use for a while, and dentists must receive extensive training before they are allowed to administer this medication. For this reason, many dentists do not offer the service.

Properly trained dentists know how much of a sedative to give their patients and monitor the dosage during the procedure to make sure you are receiving the right amount.

5. Reduces gag reflex

If you have a strong gag reflex, going to the dentist can be a hassle because dentists place numerous instruments in your mouth throughout a single visit. The stronger your gag reflex, the more time it will take to complete the procedure. It is also quite uncomfortable to feel like you could throw up at any moment.

Using sedatives on people with strong gaga reflexes has been successful for dentists because the medication relaxes your body and your throat. Your reflex will be reduced, so the dentist can work without the fear of your gagging or vomiting.

Choosing sedation dentistry

Sedation dentistry is very effective at calming dental anxiety and enhancing the dentist’s quality of work.

If you have not seen the dentist in some time or if your dentist does not offer sedation, then call our office. We are happy to explain our process in further detail to help you overcome your anxiety and get healthy teeth and gums.

Request an appointment here: https://beniciadentist.com or call Southampton Dental Care at (707) 887-5075 for an appointment in our Benicia office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Sedation Dentist.

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