Are There Alternatives to a Single Tooth Implant?

Thinking the single tooth implant option for replacing a missing tooth is not for you? When you are missing a tooth, it is essential to find a replacement as soon as possible. Even when you are just missing one of your teeth, it can cause you to have oral issues, as a healthy mouth is one with a full set of teeth. When you lose one of your teeth, there is no longer anything for the adjacent teeth to rest against, which will eventually cause the adjacent teeth to start moving and shifting out of their natural position. Ready to learn more about single tooth implant alternatives?

What is a single tooth implant?

A single tooth implant is also known as a dental implant. When someone is missing one of their teeth, one of the options available is getting a single dental implant. A single implant is a popular tooth replacement option because it closely resembles a natural tooth. Single implant placement is a surgical procedure that requires an experienced dentist to insert a small titanium post into the jawbone, which acts just like a natural tooth’s root. This implant procedure helps prevent jaw bone loss, which begins to occur as soon as someone loses one of their teeth, as there is no longer a tooth root there to stimulate the jawbone.

The following are two alternatives to getting a single tooth implant.

Dental bridges

A dental bridge is also called a tooth-supported fixed bridge. When this tooth replacement option is chosen, the adjacent teeth will have crowns placed over them, with a false replacement tooth in between that takes the place of the missing tooth. The adjacent teeth must first be prepared in order for the crowns to be properly attached and is a permanent tooth replacement option. A dental bridge can be used with different kinds of materials so patients have choices, e.g., porcelain, metal, gold, etc.

Partial removable denture

A partial removable denture can be used to take the place of a missing tooth and is a popular choice among those who do not want a permanent dental bridge in their mouth. A partial denture that is removable is often held in place by the adjacent teeth, essentially clasped onto the teeth. Partial dentures are often made from acrylic or nylon and are a non-invasive option chosen by many people who are only missing one of their teeth.

Are you in need of tooth replacement?

Are you currently looking for an alternative to a single tooth implant? While a dental implant is a common tooth replacement option these days, they are not for everyone.

Since you do have other options, as stated above, finding out whether one of them is a good fit for you is a great idea. The sooner you choose a tooth replacement option, the better, as a healthy mouth is one that has a full set of teeth. If you have any questions for us, please do not hesitate to call. If you are ready to make an appointment, then great! We hope to hear from you very soon.

Request an appointment here: or call Southampton Dental Care at (707) 887-5075 for an appointment in our Benicia office.

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